Gastroenterologist: Treatments and Procedures

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Gastroenterology is a study of medicine that focuses on the digestive system of the human body. It is the field of science that relates to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologist is a specialist in the field of Gastroenterology.

Primary Functions of the GI system

  • Digestion of food through different channels
  • Absorption of nutrient
  • Removal of waste from the body

Treatments and Procedures Performed By Gastroenterologist

A gastroenterologist performs various procedures to diagnose, treat, and prevent medical conditions. We have listed some common procedures that are performed by Gastroenterologists, have a look below;


Endoscopy is a procedure that a Gastroenterologist performs by using a camera. The camera is attached to a thin and long tube that is known as an endoscope to monitor what is inside the body. The Gastroenterologist inserts the endoscope through the mouth of the patient that passes through the throat to the esophagus. The camera sends back the images that are used for further screening and monitoring of the diseases.

Most commonly the Gastroenterologist performs an endoscopy to diagnose or investigate symptoms that include;

  • Bleeding
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Swallowing issues
  • Stomach pain
  • Uncertain weight loss

Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy

Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy procedure is performed by Gastroenterologist the same way as endoscopy. However, in this procedure, the tube is inserted through the rectum, rather than the patient’s mouth. During a colonoscopy, the Gastroenterologist examines the entire colon and rectum. Sigmoidoscopy involves the examination of the lower colon and rectum. The Gastroenterologist performs these procedures to identify symptoms such as;

  • Causes of bowel habit changes
  • Investigate the early symptoms of rectum or colon cancer
  • Causes of symptoms such as rectal bleeding, weight loss, or abdominal pain


Gastroenterologist removed one or more polyps from the bowel lining in the Polypectomy procedure. Polyps develop on the colon and grow as noncancerous objects.

The Gastroenterologist may use any of the two methods. Either he will burn the polyps through electric current or remove them with the help of wire loop forceps during the colonoscopy procedure.

Esophageal Dilation

The Gastroenterologist stretches out a contracted area of the esophagus in this procedure. Acid reflux causes the muscular tube to narrow down and make it difficult for the person to swallow food properly. The problem arises from cancer of the esophagus, layers of excess tissues, and scaring from radiation treatment.

By inflating a balloon or using a plastic dilator, the Gastroenterologist stretches the tube. This procedure is usually done during endoscopy. The patient is anesthetized using a local anaesthetic spray before performing this procedure.


The Gastroenterologist uses an endoscope to perform this procedure. The procedure is done to examine the surgically developed pouch in the body that is served as a stool reservoir for patients whose large bowel has been removed completely.

Radiofrequency Ablation

The Gastroenterologist also performs radiofrequency ablation or (RFA) to treat Barrett’s esophagus. This is basically an endoscopic therapy.

Gastrointestinal Surgery by a Gastroenterologist

Gastrointestinal surgery is a treatment that is performed to treat diseases of parts involved in digestion. The Gastroenterologist uses the surgical procedure for the stomach, large intestine, small intestine, esophagus, and rectum. Liver, pancreas, gallbladder is the body parts that may also be included in the surgery.

The Gastroenterologist performs surgery to remove a damaged, cancerous or noncancerous part of the digestive system. The medical practitioner may also perform the surgery to treat a problem such as a hernia. Below are some gastrointestinal conditions that are treated by surgery, have a look;


The Gastroenterologist removes the inflamed and infected appendix by performing surgery.

Colon Cancer

The Gastroenterologist performs surgery to remove tumours, gastrointestinal and colon cancers of the parts of the digestive system. For instance, the surgeon will completely remove the part that has cancer such as the liver, intestine, or pancreas.

Diverticular Disease

A diverticulum is a tiny pocket that develops in your large intestine. No studies have found genuine reasons for the development of these pockets. Sometimes they become infected or inflamed and cause severe pain to the person. The Gastroenterologist treats the problem with certain medical procedures and medicine. However, if the pockets become too inflamed, the surgeon will recommend removing the part of the intestine.

Gallbladder Diseases

Gallbladder stones are the most common problem that many people face. If you have issues in the gallbladder or having stones in it, you can simply recommend the removal of the whole organ. Cholesystectomy is the surgical procedure for removing the gallbladder.

What Are The Risks Of Surgery?

Surgery comes with some associated risks such as;


It is a general observation that anytime a surgery has performed the infections can get inside the body. Therefore, surgeons are tactful to keep apparatus and things sterile during the procedure. But the chances are always there of getting infections.


It depends on the kind of surgery you have gone through. The patient may feel little to severe pain and soreness during the surgery.


Sometimes the patient encounters continuous bleeding after the surgery that results in longer recovery period. In other conditions, the patient faces blood clots at the place of surgery that results in blockage of blood flow to important vessels, lungs, hearts, or even the brain.

Damage to another Part

In rare cases, the surgery may accidentally damage or hurt another healthy and working part of the body it is one of the most awful side effects of gastrointestinal surgery.

What to expect about recovery after surgery?

Recovery time totally depends on the surgery you have. The more intense and critical the surgery is, the more time you will take to recover. For instance, in surgeries like colonoscopy, the patient can get back to daily chores right away. However, in more invasive surgeries, you must take some time to relax and heal.

Gastroenterologists: In a Nutshell

After reading this guide, you will be well informed about the Gastroenterology and the whole gastrointestinal procedures and surgery methods. Gastroenterologists diagnose, treat, and prevent medical conditions related to your GI tract. For more information visit our website.