Testosterone: Low Levels, Cure and Precautions

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The word “testosterone” usually comes around when topics such as masculinity, muscles, and sexual potency are discussed, as well as gym and training. In reality, few people know that testosterone is a hormone that both men and women have. Although the amount of it is lower in women, it affects greatly to men as it is one of their primary hormones. Testosterone is one of the hormones of metabolism and protects us against cardiovascular disease, takes care of bone density, concentration, memory, mood, and fat metabolism.

Can you be ‘low’ on testosterone?

Testosterone levels are associated with age. They increase from puberty to more or less 30 years, when it reaches its maximum. From there, it is estimated that its level decreases at a rate of 1% per year (for guidance, the decrease can range between 0.4 and 2%). This means that if the starting level is high, it will take time to notice the decrease, but if it is low, you will notice the difference earlier, with appreciable clinical effects. Its decrease is usually manifested with the following symptoms:

  • Excessive, abnormal tiredness.
  • Weight gain, leading to obesity, with the accumulation of fat, especially in the central part of the body.
  • Performance drop when it comes to physical activities such as sports.
  • Decreased or lack of sexual appetite.
  • Erection problems, including erectile dysfunction or impotence.
  • Depression.
  • Decreased memory.
  • Hair loss

Moreover, it can also create health problems, and its decrease is also associated with type 2 diabetes, decreased bone density, and cardiovascular disease.

Not sure If Low On Testosterone? Take The ADAM Questionnaire

If you have started facing some of those mentioned issues, then, you can always take the ADAM questionnaire. It is a questionnaire that gives some clue about the androgenic deficiency of a mature man (Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male). Answers to these questions are very simple and easy.

  • Have you noticed decreased libido (sexual desire)?
  • Have you been lacking in energy lately?
  • Are you less resistant, or are you weaker?
  • Have you decreased in height – have you “diminished”?
  • Do you lack the joy of living?
  • Are you sad or easily irritated?
  • Has the quality of your erections decreased?
  • Do you perform less in sports?
  • Do you usually fall asleep after dinner?
  • Has your job performance decreased?

If you answered YES to questions 1 or 7, or three of any of the other eight, then it is highly likely that you are low on testosterone. Important: Keep in mind that this questionnaire is purely indicative and in no case is it intended to replace the opinion of a doctor, so if the case arises, contact your family doctor, who will request a clinical test, which is a blood test specific.

Is There Any Treatment for Low Testosterone?

Yes, there is treatment, depending on the issue that caused the drop. If it occurs naturally, the possibility is a hormonal treatment, which will be prescribed by the doctor, and is supplied in the form of a patch, a gel, a pill, an implant, or an injection. If the treatment is inducted by a qualified professional and regular monitoring is carried out, it has been shown to be safe and effective, without significant side effects and surely does make a difference, although with varying results. The drop may also be caused by an inappropriate lifestyle. A change towards leading a healthier life can restore the level of the hormonal imbalance.

Recommendations To Restore The Testosterone Levels

Experts recommend the following:

A Good Night Sleep

Testosterone is produced in the morning, but only if you have had a good night’s sleep of at least three hours of deep sleep (that is, sleeping through the night).

An Adequate Protein Level

A low protein diet is associated with high levels of globulin, a protein that fixes testosterone levels and prevents it from being released.

Limit Alcohol

Like certain pain relievers that contain opioids, alcohol causes a drop in the level of testosterone and increases the level of estrogen.

Stay Fit

Exercise increases testosterone production; It must be of a certain intensity. Also, it is recorded that weight training is especially quite effective when it comes to increasing testosterone levels.

Take Care Of Your Body

Stay in shape, and take care of your figure. It is not a question of losing excess weight (which would reduce the production of the hormone) but more about losing the fat (which, if in excess, also increases the level of estrogens). Try going for a walk to improve your workout cycle.

Forget About Trying To Figure It Out With Supplements

What they tell you about drugs advertised on the internet has no scientific basis. There are no legal over-the-counter medications, therefore they will not be safe and carry certain risks.


As you can see, it is easier to improve your testosterone levels by employing more natural methods. So try those but in case you notice a greater, unnatural difference, in your level of testosterone, then you should surely contact a doctor.