Body Sculpting: 5 Best Treatments

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In this time and age, cosmetic surgeries have progressed greatly and gained a lot of popularity among the general public. Undergoing cosmetic procedures to enhance beauty has become the new norm. Body Sculpting is one of them.

One of the most sought-after surgeries is fat reduction. Indeed, The idea of shredding a considerable amount of weight without dieting or having to exercise has made the surgery massively popular.

What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting, also known as body contouring are non-surgical or minimally invasive treatment procedures that help reduce weight by destroying fat cells.

Body sculpting, also known as body contouring are non-surgical or minimally invasive treatment procedures that help reduce weight by destroying fat cells.

The treatments destroy subcutaneous fat that is located just beneath the skin. These fat cells break down by using various body sculpting methods. The lymphatic system then eliminates the broken-down fat cells from the body within a few months. During this process, the skin cannot harm.

Types of Body Sculpting Treatments

All of the body sculpting treatments work on the same principle of breaking down fat cells but each treatment adopts a different method to do so.

1. Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

Cryolipolysis, another non-invasive method used to destroy fat cells. The technique uses a suction vacuum to pull on the skin of the targeted region. The device then cools the area to as low as -11°C, which crystallizes the fat cells and destroys them. The lymphatic system then gets rid of these cells over the course of a few months.

Fat freezing permanently destroys the fat cells of the targeted area. The procedure can be used to reduce fat present on the abdomen, arms, chin, thighs, back, and flanks. if you suffer from a vascular condition Cryolipolysis, not recommended to.

2. Hot Treatment (Laser Lipolysis)

Hot treatment body sculpting techniques employ lasers to destroy fat cells. In addition, The lasers penetrate the skin without any damage to break the underlying fat cells.

SculpSure, a hot treatment device that uses lasers to reduce fat in targeted areas. This treatment works best on the thighs, flanks, and abdomen.

3. Injection Lipolysis (Kybella)

Injection lipolysis, also known as Kybella, uses synthetically made deoxycholic acid to metabolize fat cells. Deoxycholic acid is a chemical substance the body naturally produces that helps metabolize fat.

During the procedure, deoxycholic acid injected in the targeted area where it begins its work. You may feel slight discomfort for a few after the procedure. The full results we can see in a couple of weeks.

To reduce the fat of the chin we use this technique. Especially in patients who complain of having a double chin.

4. Radiofrequency Treatment

These treatments use radiofrequency devices to focus energy on the targeted skin area. The radiofrequency energy penetrates the skin and creates heat that destroys the fat cells.

Patients are advised to hydrate themselves before the procedure as the treatment targets the water present in the fat cells. Radiofrequency treatment can be used to reduce fat present on the abdomen, thighs, flanks, underarms, and buttocks.

5. Ultrasound Treatment (UltraShape)

This procedure utilizes ultrasound energy to destroy fat cells. Ultrasound treatment sessions take up more time than other body sculpting procedures.

The procedure involves moving the device around the targeted area of the body. The mechanical vibrations from the device break-down the fat cells of the area.This procedure most commonly used to reduce abdominal fat deposits.

What to Expect from Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting is used to remove stubborn fat deposits that are otherwise difficult to remove through exercise or other natural means.

The procedure requires no anesthesia and generally takes about 25-30 minutes per session. The number of sessions depends on the type of treatment you opt for and the body region being treated. You can resume normal activity straight after the session.9

The procedure itself is not very painful but you may feel a burning sensation during the treatment. The results from body sculpting begin to appear after the broken-down fat cells are removed through the lymphatic system (roughly 12-16 weeks).

Associated Risks with Body Sculpting

Body sculpting is a relatively safe fat removal procedure with minimum side effects. However, it is advised to talk to your doctor to discuss all the details of the procedure, ask any questions that you may have, and review your medical history. This will help your doctor recommend the best treatment option for you.

Common side effects include:

  • Minor bruising or redness of the treated region
  • Tingling or stinging of the treated area
  • Besides, Numbness
  • Uneven fat reduction

Body sculpting recommended you, your body mass index is below 30. In rare cases, cryolipolysis may actually cause the enlargement of the fat cells, a condition known as adipose hypoplasia.

If the treatment is used to remove the fat layer lying below the subcutaneous fat, scarring may occur.

Body Sculpting VS Liposuction

Liposuction removes your body fat through surgical means and can remove ten times more fat than non-invasive body sculpting procedures. Body sculpting treatments can only remove the layer of fat lying underneath the dermis.

However, body sculpting treatments carry fewer risks and side effects and are a lot cheaper than liposuction. They also do not require any recovery time and the patient can resume normal activity right after the sessions.

The Takeaway

Body sculpting is a great alternative to help you obtain your desired body. However, it can only help you remove the subcutaneous fat of your body and you will still need to watch your dietary intake.

If you want to get rid of stubborn fat on your body, consult a plastic surgeon. Your doctor will help you decide if you are eligible for treatment and will recommend the best procedure specific to your needs.

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